Finding Your Why

A 4-Step Mini-Course

Course Summary

Knowing your why is vital to your success - as an individual, as a student, and as a college applicant. It is not just WHAT you do that is important, but how your actions connect to the core aspects of you as a person. This course will help you discover your why so you can differentiate yourself from others and submit applications that sell through feeling and inspiration.

Kimberly VanderWeert

Kimberly VanderWeert, founder of World Awaits Academic Consulting, is a highly sought-after college admissions consultant who specializes in helping students like you maximize their chances of success. 

Kimberly spent several years teaching internationally, developing nationally-adopted English language curriculum and standardized testing materials. In the United States, she taught high school and college-level English in diverse environments, professionally prepared students for college entrance exams, including the ACT and SAT, and helped students build standout applications. As an international college admissions counselor, Kimberly has successfully enrolled students in top-tier, Ivy, private, and public higher education institutions.

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Christina Martinez

Great content!

This was an awesome mini class to search for your why and the steps to take to complete it! Thank you for sharing.

2 years ago
SA Jackson

Great Course!


2 years ago